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FLAG Group Photo 2022
FLAG Group Photo 2022.6
FLAG Group Photo 2022.5
FLAG Group Photo 2022.3
FLAG Group Photo 2022.4
FLAG Group Photo 2022.2
FLAG Group Photo 2022.7


Purpose:  To create a formal youth structure within BIG to include into its membership young people who BIG will prepare as the new generation of American leaders to act as advocates for the employment and general welfare of Blacks employed by Federal, State, and local governments.



The youth program will:

  • Inspire, motivate, and generate interest in a career as a civil servant.

  • Serve as a training ground for future government leaders and BIG leaders.

  • Focus on the needs, aims, and achievements of Black youth throughout the country.

  • Add the Black youth voice to the major concerns and issues within BIG.

  • Prepare youth to take leadership roles within their communities.

  • Train the youth to address the major concerns and issues faced by government employees.



The Junior and Senior FLAG programs will work within the following structure:

  • Chapters and/or BIG members have oversight for the FLAG programs and meet with the youth at least monthly.  BIG members assist youth in conducting organizational meetings to serve a variety of purposes including:  educating youth on history/structure of BIG and purpose/focus of the FLAG program.

  • BIG members will serve as mentors to student members and actively work with them as they progress through the five tiers of the FLAG program.

  • Junior and Senior FLAG programs should have a minimum of five youth participants. A ratio of 1 BIG member to every 5 students (1:5) is recommended to ensure that every student receives adequate mentorship.

  • Each chapter can focus areas of interest on the local needs of the community in line with the National activities provided by National BIG (such as equal educational opportunities, equal economic opportunities, civil liberties, etc).  Junior and Senior FLAGs select areas of interest.

    • Voting Rights

    • Seminars on Inequalities in public education, Pre-SAT/ACT preparation, leadership development, etc.


Membership Focus: 

The following sources will be used to recruit youth members:

  • Youth college memberships can come from a variety of sources including Historically Black Colleges and Universities as well as Hispanic Serving Institutions.

  • Youth in junior high and high schools and in community outreach programs.

shane canfield, ceo WAEPA, Interviewing Hon. Shirley Jones, big national president on the flag program


View The 2019 FLAG Summit Video Below

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